Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Shifting To Neutral, or how to get worried.

This is the seasonal forecast that I worry about the most:

 The closer we get to the heart of winter the more accurate the El Nino / La Nina forecasting gets. This is the earliest reliable prediction of the oncoming trends in this coming winter, and whatever the impacts, they will be felt throughout the winter steelheading season here. I still try to take it one week, one day at a time. but these forecasts are generally true. How they will shake out in terms of on-the-water experience is always an alchemy of the moment; local conditions, incoming marine, tropical and arctic weather systems colliding with mountain weather, temperatures, flows etc, and whatever prayers we may offer for mercy. I 'm not saying you should let any of this change your plans though. just make sure you pack your rain gear and an extra sweater. No matter what happens, the fish do not read the forecasts- I will be fishing this winter every chance that I get.

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